Blueberries, Birthdays, and Baking
Flat Emily week 14!
We have been back in the US for 2 ½ weeks so maybe we have seen some of you by now! If not, we will see you soon! Right at the moment we are in Idaho and Daddy is hoping it will not snow but Winston is. Sorry I have not got much to write. It’s been a bit hectic since we got here. We got off in Fort Lauderdale, FL and the humidity was insane! Then we flew to Chicago and then got in the car to drive to IN. So yea the jet lag kind of got us. The birds in Idaho are so pretty like this one! Isn’t it so pretty! Ciao!
Flat Emily week 15!!!
Hei guys!! Since we’ve been here in Idaho it has been a busy week. I got to watch a movie at one of my friends’ birthday party. There were a LOT of people. Also I had these popcorn chips and they were SO good (like so yummy I could have eaten all of them). And yesterday for mommy’s birthday we went to some hot springs and had Mexican food for dinner with vegan chocolate fudge popsicles for dessert! YUMMY!! Ha det, au revoir, bye, and ciao!!!
P.S I like to bake a lot! So if you go to Thursday night dinner at church in ID you will have some of my baking!
Flat Etie
Hi, we are back in the USA! So let’s go back in time,after Romania we went to Norway,and we had my birthday there. We stayed at are Norwegian friends house and it was soo fun, they found a blueberry patch in the wild! I had a blueberry cake it was yummy😋.We flew to Florida and then flew to Chicago where Pa and Grandma picked us up. We had a late birthday for me and then we went to Bedford to my Uncle Chris and Aunt Becky’s house where we saw my cousins. It was sooooooo much fun,the day we got there it was my cousin’s birthday! peace out✌️.
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