For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
Wow the Lord is amazing! I am in the kitchen at the community center helping make lunch for some of the Ukrainian refugees with the help of a few Ukrainians and some fellow volunteers. I am hearing Romanian spoken and played in the Christian music while trying to use my Google translate to talk to a very sweet Ukrainian grandmother. She is telling me about her granddaughter who is living and working here in Romania. I just think how delightful it will be in Heaven when we can all understand each other without the use of our phones or an interpreter.
My heart goes out to the Ukrainians, a lot of the people that we have met are older and probably already retired before the war. Now they have fled from their country with not much and in a new country for who knows how long. Some of them are mother’s with children whose husbands are back in Ukraine. They can’t leave due to the fact they have to be there to fight if called.
I met one older woman who was a missionary and is writing out her testimonies in Russian and I then take a picture of it and use Google translate to English. Her sharing is reminding me to take time out of my busy day to see what God has put around me. To see someone on the bus I can help or talk to or even the lady who is alone and doesn’t have family here. I love to see the Lord working through so many people.
for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13 (We are his hands and feet)